Dear Annie: My boyfriend and I have been in a relationship for 10 years. We’ve had a lot of trials but always managed to hold onto each other and weather the storms. The last major trial was that I cheated on him with one of our best friends. I feel terrible about it; in fact, I think I may have managed to break my heart more than my boyfriend’s. Anyway, he says that he still loves me, and we’re still together. But we no longer share a bed; we no longer share much of anything, honestly, except a roof and a rare romantic night now and then. Should I let him go or just give him more time to truly forgive me? I love this man beyond measure, but if I’m destined to be hurt, I’d like to just get it over with now. —Guilt-Ridden Boyfriend

Dear Guilt-Ridden: Betrayal hurts. Sometimes it inflicts wounds too deep for either partner to adequately treat on his or her own, no matter how badly they want to make it better. A couples therapist can help you begin the real healing. Make an appointment today.

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